Coffee Washing stations

Nyarusiza Coffee Washing Station (CWS) is located in the Kamegeri district (Kigoma), Nyamagabe State, of southern Rwanda.
It was founded by Buf Coffee in 2005.
Farm area: More than 300 hectares
Plant Variety and Spieces : Arabica Red Bull
Altitude of CWS : 1,752m above sea level
Altitude of Farms : 1,700-1,900m above sea level
Annual rainfall: about 1,300mm.
Processing: Full washing, and sun-dried in African beds,
Soils : a sandy area, a clay place,
Harvest Season : from February to June,
Processing period: from March to July
The quality control of farms and CWS under the BUF Coffee management is first-rate.
Only ripe cherries are hand-picked and categorized and pulped the same night.
They are separated by weight into three grades, fermented for 12 – 18 hours and graded again. Furthermore the beans are soaked in water tanks for 24 hours.
They are dried under a roof for six hours and while damp, defect beans still remaining are removed again. The beans are finally sorted and dried under the sun for about two weeks (depending on the weather).
When their humidity level reaches about 11%, they are carried to the dry mill in Kigali where they are cupped and evaluated by the Q-grader.
BUF Coffee beans are ready for export only after severe quality control and select screening.
Most local farmers raise corn, various beans and farm products for self-sufficiency, together with about 300 coffee trees in roughly 0.5 hectares of land.
Coffee helps to pay for medical expenses, health insurance, children’s education, and domestic animals, etc.
Cupping comment: Orange peel, citric, silky, and brown sugar, syrups are


Remera Coffee Washing station (CWS) is located in the Nyamagabe district of southern Rwanda. The cherries (100% Red Bourbon) have a unique taste created by mineral rich soils and water provided by the adjoining upper Nile Nyungwe national park. Over 3,000 small farming households cultivate approximately 800 tons of cherries.
Remera CWS is introducing a new method of natural processing and the result has been successful.
Quality control of Buf Coffee is excellent and only ripe cherries are hand-picked and pulped the same night. The beans are graded by weight, fermented for about 12 – 18 hours, and graded again. Afterwards, they are soaked in water tanks for 24 hours. They are then placed in African beds under the sun for two weeks (depending on the weather) until their humidity level reaches about 11%.
Beans are brought to the warehouse, and then to the dry mill in Kigali where they are evaluated by the Q-grader. In this way, the coffee beans go through severe quality control and refinement.
Altitude of the farms is 1,800 – 2,200m, harvesting is from February to June and processing from March to July. Soils are sandy and clay. The precipitation is about 1,300mm a year.
High quality and refinement of Buf’s Remera Coffee has been demonstrated by their winning prizes in the Cup of Excellence (COE) competitions in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2013.


The Dukunde Kawa Musasa cooperative is located in northern Gakenke, near the Gorilla mountain.
It was founded in 2000 and has 824 farming households. Cherries produced in the 167 hectares are of high quality, due to abundant rainfalls which slows the growth of the beans.
As for the altitude of the farms, it is about 1,800- 2,100m. and the Coffee Washing Station (CWS) is at an altitude of 2,100m above sea level. The beans are sorted on African tables for about 24 days. Harvest is from March to October and processing from June to October. The soil is silt sand and the temperature is stable at about 17-18 degrees Celsius.
The annual rainfall is about 1,200-1,300mm.
Coffee trees are planted 2-2.5 meters apart and approximately 2,500 trees are planted in one hectare. About 200 trees are cultivated by one farming household. Coffee beans are produced abundantly at Ruli and meticulously organized in the latest facilities.
The Musasa district carries the fame of King Mibambwe and the farmers work to make the most delicious coffee.
The Dukunde Kawa cooperative secures a high standard of living for its farmers and also realizes a sustainable coffee industry.
Since acquiring their Fair Trade certification in 2005, the cooperative was honored by winning 2nd place in the Cup of Excellence (COE) competition held in 2010.
The Dukunde Kawa-Musasa cooperative won prizes in the Cup of Excellence (COE) competitions in: 2008,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014 and 2018.
It received the following international certifications through high quality and exceptional management:
Rain Forest Alliance (ISO/IEC 17065 standard)
UTZ World's largest sustainability program for coffee production,headquarters in the Netherlands.
C.A.F.E. Practices (Environmental Standard by Starbucks)
Taste: Heavy body, with delicious notes of caramel, orange and raisin.


The Dukundekawa Musasa cooperative founded in 2000 is located near the Gorilla Mountain in the northern Gakenke district. Production began with about 300 farming families, and their numbers have increased to over 600.
Mbilima Coffee Washing Station (CWS) is one of their three washing stations, operating from 2007.
The cherries produced in 72 hectares of land are certified with the international organic certification.
The altitude of the farm is very high, about 1,800m – 2,100m above sea level and the CWS is at an altitude of about 2,200m. The beans are sorted out on long tables and dried under the sun for about 24 days (depending on the weather).
Harvest is from March to October and processing time from June to October. The soil is silt sand and temperature is stable at about 17 – 18 degrees Celsius. Coffee trees are planted 2 – 2.5 meters apart from each other, totalling about 2,500 trees per 1 hectare. One farming family tends to about 200 coffee trees. Annual rainfall is about 1,300–1,400mm.
Coffee cherries grow abundantly in the highland hills, and the farmers take great care in their harvest. The beans are divided according to production dates.
The Musasa district claims the proud heritage of a famous Mibambwe King. The farmers in this area aims to produce the best coffee beans.
The Dukundekawa cooperative secures a high standard of living for union members, economically and environmentally in order to have a sustainable coffee industry. In 2005, the cooperative received the Fair Trade certificate and in 2010 they were honored by winning 2nd place in the prestigious Cup of Excellence (COE) competition.
The farmers choose the best Bourbon coffee cherries, which are hand-sorted, washed, fermented and graded at the coffee washing stations (CWS). Each process is carefully followed to produce the best coffee for the international market.
Coffee beans of Musasa-Dukundekawa won the COE in 2008,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014, 2018.
They earned the following international certifications through high quality and production control:
FTO(Fair Trade Organic) (Fair Trade Olga Nic, EU & USDA/USA)
RA (Rain Forest) (Rain Forrest ISO/IEC 17065 standard),
UTZ (world's largest sustainable coffee production program, headquarters in Netherlands)
C.A.F.E. Practices (Environmental standard by Starbucks)

5 kivubelt

Kivubelt founded in 2009, is located in the Nyamasheke district, western Rwanda, near Lake Kivu, one of the great African lakes and surrounded by magnificent mountains.
The farmers want to raise their income by producing high quality coffee, in order to develop the rural community and ensure a bright future for the next generations.
In Kivubelt there are five farms: Imena, Nyaruzina, Jarama, Kamajunba, and Cyiya; and each farm produces a unique taste in beans under different settings. There are also two Coffee Washing Stations (CWS), Murundo and the newer Jarama which use the water coming from the mountains.
The coffee is Arabica Bourbon and there are approximately 36,000 trees. Harvest is from around March to June (depending each year). The altitude is about 1,500-2,000m above sea level and the CWS are at 1,900m. The average rainfall is approximately 1,000-1,500mm per year and average temperature about 16-25 degrees Celsius. Soil is of volcanic origin, deep and well drained.
Fermentation process: Mucilage removal by using dry fermentation and intermediate washing, relative humidity is 12%. The beans are sun-dried on traditional tables. The drying period depends on prevailing weather conditions (normally 2-3 weeks).
Kivubelt coffee was supported by BUF coffee for improving its quality and production from 2014-2019. It has become independent since 2020.

6 koakaka

精製方法: 完全洗浄の2回発酵、アフリカンベッド上で天日乾燥、収穫は手摘み、2回の手での豆の選別
認証: フェアートレード、レインフォリスト認証、ルワンダのCOEでは毎回のように入賞

7 KARISIMBI mountain coffee

Karisimbi mountain coffee named after Mt.Karisimbi, the highest peak located on the border between the Republics of Rwanda and Congo (altitude 4507m, non-active volcano).
Karisimbi Coffee Washing Station (CWS)
CWS No.1 Gicumbi: Nyamiyaga Sector, Northern Province, founded in 2014.
Winner of Cup of Excellence (COE), 12th place for their first entry with a score of 87.7 in 2018.
CWS No.2 Gatsibo: Nyagihanga Sector in Eastern Province, founded in 2017.
Plant variety and species : Arabica Bourbon Type
Altitude of Farms:
Gicumbi: 1,850m – over 2,000m above sea level, Gatsibo: 1,850m – over 2,000m. Altitude of CWS: Gicumbi: 2,000m, Gatsibi: 1,850m.
Kinds of soil: Volcanic soil, schist, sandstone.
Annual rainfall: About 1,300mm (rainy season three times a year)
A purified method: Fully washed, and sun-dried on African bed.
Harvest season: from March to May
Fermentation process: Mucilage removal by fermentation
(dry fermentation and intermediate washing).
Taste: Super clean cup and Floral, Grapefruit, Red cherry, Stone fruit.
Owner/Supplier: Dallas Investments Ltd., (Ms. Immy Kamarade).
About 90% of the workers are women. They play a large role in Rwanda’s economy and government from the grass-roots up.